Category / portrait / typography

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  • Skateboard portraits

    At first I found it hard getting the creative juices flowing during the first few weeks of quarantine. But now that I’m able to enjoy some days of Easter holidays, I have finally found the time to start a project that’s been on my ‘to draw list’ for ages… decorating skateboards. It was the death…

  • It’s been four years

    Almost four years ago now my eldest daughter was born and I realised that having a fulltime job and raising a baby (keeping me awake) + doing up your house + working out + drawing would be a bit too much for me. I decided I would stop drawing for some time. Some people didn’t…

  • What type(face) are you?

    Take the test at Pentagram and find out. A very friendly, old man will guide you through the test, before uttering his final, well considered judgement. Eventhough you don’t get to see his face, the man will talk to you, so you’ll need speakers for this test. Although, I’m not sure, is he using sign…